Wednesday, September 7, 2011

gDiapers: The Gateway to Cloth Diapering!

I thought I might as well kick off the posting with a Cloth Diaper (CD for short) review. We recently made the switch to CDs when the little mister's diaper area began to look very angry and agitated. I always intended to CD, but I was somewhat hesitant to begin because of the initial cost, and the fact that though my current living situation boasts of a high efficiency, wonderfully high-tech washer and dryer, they are shared. Well, once my son's skin started to look the way it did, I couldn't keep making excuses. Here is some interesting information on disposables that also spurred my interest:

I don't want to overload you on reading as I have a short attention span, myself... However, I find it becomes limitless when it's in regards to my baby. Anyway, I'm hopping off my mini-soap box to continue on with this review. 
Shown here in "Galley Blue" and "Glacier Blue".
There are three parts to this diapering system, although I think it's still classified as an AI2 (All-In-2), because you don't necessarily need to remove the pouch unless it is soiled. I've chosen to feature only the disposable inserts because it's a great way to start CDing without dealing with an overwhelming amount of laundry, to begin with. What's great about g's is that you don't have to buy nearly so many. One cover can get you through a full day if you don't have any blowouts or other diaper mishaps. I bought four to start with and have only had to throw one in the laundry, so far. I was even lucky enough to find and purchase them at BabiesRUs for $26.99, which is, in my humble opinion, more than fair for two covers. But if you need to be more frugal, there are many CD trading sites and even Facebook groups where you can get them used and, honestly, dirt cheap.

Without further ado, here is a little demonstration on what gDiapers consist of, and how they work:

Shown: Left to right... gDiaper cover in "Guppy Green,"  and the waterproof pouch.
1. Locate the snaps on the pouch.
2. Match them to the loving snap receivers (I'm sure there's a real term for them) on the cover.
2. See? Now they are as one. Repeat with the remaining two snaps.
3. Grab your handy, planet-friendly disposable insert.

4. Place the liner in the pouch.

5. Scooch the liner so it's nice and flush with the pouch.  These guys are not just neighbors, they're best friends.
If you've done everything correctly, you'll have a wonderful little diaper boat.
So, what do I think?

They're exceedingly user-friendly, even for a first time CDer.  And once you make the leap and graduate to cloth inserts, you'll have a very easy transition. All in all, I really enjoy my g's. I have had very few issues. The only thing I'm a little disappointed with is stiffness. The waist band isn't too comfy feeling, and I've tried to mess with the degree of tightness, to no avail. Other than that, I'm very happy with these "hybrids," and they will most certainly remain in my stash.

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